2024-12-25 Capacitance probe for water holdup measurement in crude oil-water flows
Xuebo Zheng , Bo Yang , Bofeng Bai * State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, 710049, China
2024-11-21 Real Time Train Tracking from Distributed Acoustic Sensing Data
Christoph Wiesmeyr 1, Martin Litzenberger 1 , Markus Waser 1, Adam Papp 1, Heinrich Garn 1 ,Günther Neunteufel 2 and Herbert Döller 2 1 AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Giefinggasse 4, 1210 Vienna, Austria;martin.litzenberger@ait.ac.at (M.L.); markus.waser@ait.ac.at (M.W.); adam.papp.pb@ait.ac.at (A.P.); heinrich.garn@ait.ac.at (H.G.) 2 NBG Fosa GmbH, Johannesgasse 15, 1010 Vienna, Austria; g.neunteufel@nbg.tech (G.N.); office.zwettl@doeller.biz (H.D.)
2024-10-23 A Survey on Distributed Fibre Optic Sensor Data Modelling Techniques and machine Learning Algorithms for Multiphase Fluid Flow Estimation
Hasan Asy’ari Arief 1,* , Tomasz Wiktorski 2 and Peter James Thomas 1 1 NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS, 5008 Bergen, Norway; peth@norceresearch.no 2 Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Stavanger, 4036 Stavanger, Norway; tomasz.wiktorski@uis.no * Correspondence: hasv@norceresearch.no
2024-09-27 Deep Learning on Real Geophysical Data-A Case Study for Distributed Acoustic Sensing Research
Vincent Dumont, Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin, and Kesheng Wu Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory {vdumont|vrodrigueztribaldos|JBAjo-Franklin|kwu}@lbl.gov
2024-08-22 Deep Learning Approach for Processing Fiber-Optic DAS Seismic Data
Lihi Shiloh, Avishay Eyal and Raja Giryes School of Electrical Engineering, Tel-Aviv University Author e-mail address: lihishiloh@mail.tau.ac.il